It's a Team Effort
This course is a unique collaboration between two recently retired Alaskan teachers. Each bring their different skills, knowledge and experience together here to create the amalgam of perspectives, styles and media that is this course.
This course is a unique collaboration between two recently retired Alaskan teachers. Each bring their different skills, knowledge and experience together here to create the amalgam of perspectives, styles and media that is this course.
While a likely result of this collaboration will be a richer and more useful course, there are bound to be times when its helpful for you to know who is doing what during the course of this course, of course.
While there may be some changes along the way, here's how we've described our respective roles as we initiate the course.
Because of Clay Good's recent experience using blogs to deliver digital content, his primary roles in this course include:
- management of the course blog design, structure and function;
- Natural History and other content production for Modules 1 & 2;
- evaluation and grading of course participants’ weekly blogs for Modules 1 & 2;
- evaluating Modules 3-9 for Style and Function.
- monitoring the explorealaskablog@gmail account;
- direct communications with course participants.
Because of Brenda Campen’s depth of knowledge and experience teaching Alaska history, she devotes her time and skills to:
- course curriculum development;
- Alaska History and other content for Modules 3 - 9
- evaluation of Modules 3 - 9 for Content and Writing;
- evaluating and grading final project.
No matter where you are - we’re glad you’re here!