Thursday, October 27, 2011

Module VIII - Blog It!

No matter where you are, we're glad you're here!

Mt. Edgecumbe and Sitka 1949 - AK Native Service Mt. Edgecumbe
School and Hospital on Wooded Island - midpicture

Essential Questions

  • Mt. Edgecumbe High School 2010
    Explain how Alaska's location was considered "strategic" during World War II.  What were the war activities/events that supported the perspective of "strategic" Alaska? 
  • The conduct of war presents incredible challenges as well as opportunities.  These impact the economy of the country as well a the daily lives of all participants.  Describe the challenges and opportunities unique to Alaska during World War II.
  • Describe the legacy of World War II for Alaska.  What happened after the war that is largely attributable to WW II?  What are Alaskans living with today that is attributable to WW II?
The Basics 

This is where you take a few moments to review the various sections of Module VIII and select two questions to respond to in your blog. One Essential Question and one Examine Question

    CLICK HERE to see a basic template for your blog response.  
  • CLICK HERE to review the Basic Weekly Blog Assignment.
  • Be sure to include the question you are responding to at the top of each response.  
  • Please also include the Module number in the title of your blog post.

  • Please write a brief paragraph reflecting on the content, style, usefulness and challenges of this module.
  • Comment on, review and link to three colleagues blogs.
  • Take a few minutes to review, revise, repeat after you post your blog.

Beyond the Basics

For an extra challenge (and extra credit) select one of the EXTEND questions from Module VIII, or choose one question from below to respond to in your weekly blog response.  
(There is no penalty for opting out of this section)
  • What Essential Question(s) would you include for this module? Why.
  • How might you use content from this module in your professional practice?
  • What other useful information, insights and/or resources have you discovered?

SEARHC-Mt. Edgecumbe Hospital 2008