Monday, October 17, 2011

Module IX - Blog It!

Essential Questions
  • Describe the major reasons given for statehood and explain how those reasons are reflected in the Alaska State  Constitution.
  • Americans sometimes complain about feeling alienated from their elected officials and from the seats of power.  Is such alienation true in Alaska?  Explain, and link the explanation to Alaska's state and local governance structure.
  • Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 1971 - Discuss two ways that this legislation has impacted Alaska, and two specific ways that it has impacted Alaska Natives.
  • Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act 1980 has been supported and derided by Alaskans, both in 1980 when it was passed and today.  Describe three impacts of this landmark legislation.
  • Alaska Permanent Fund - $41+ billion. It is our "rainy day account". So, is it "raining" yet?  How hard is it raining?  Is it time to spend some of the earnings of the AK Permanent Fund to provide for state services?  What arguments would you present to legislators reluctant to confront this issue?
  • Pick one contemporary issue from your region and discuss - explain the issue, identify the major players and their positions.

The Basics 

This is where you take a few moments to review the various sections of Module VIII and select two questions to respond to in your blog. One Essential Question and one Examine Question

  • CLICK HERE to see a basic template for your blog response.  
  • CLICK HERE to review the Basic Weekly Blog Assignment.
  • Be sure to include the question you are responding to at the top of each response.  
  • Please also include the Module number in the title of your blog post.

  • Please write a brief paragraph reflecting on the content, style, usefulness and challenges of this module.
  • Comment on, review and link to three colleagues blogs.
  • Take a few minutes to review, revise, repeat after you post your blog.

Beyond the Basics

For an extra challenge (and extra credit) select one of the EXTEND questions from Module VIII, or choose one question from below to respond to in your weekly blog response.  
(There is no penalty for opting out of this section)
  • What Essential Question(s) would you include for this module? Why.
  • How might you use content from this module in your professional practice?
  • What other useful information, insights and/or resources have you discovered?